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Friday, April 14, 2017

The Old Friend?

The addict in my life wasn't always "the addict in my life." Originally, I had the pleasure of calling this person "friend." We hung out, we saw each other at parties, we wrote letters to each other when this person moved out of the state for a number of years.

Sometimes I think back to that time period of our relationship when everything was light, fun, and adventurous and it is kind of a shock to my system. Things have changed so much between us, and it is hard to see the person I used to call "friend" when I'm being lied to and called names. My old friend wouldn't have treated me this way. I thought.

So now what? How do you reconcile the "addict in your life" with your past "friend?" Especially when you were more than just friends?

Honestly? I pray for this person. Things aren't great between us, but I still pray.

What do you do? How do you handle old friends and addicts?

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