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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Lets Talk About You! Individual Worth Week, Day 2

Ever heard the old adage that you are your harshest critic? 
Today we are going to tear that all down. Today you need to be honest about what is amazing about you, what makes you tick, and what you love.  

And we are going to do all of this... with crayons! Because it helps to write things down. Writing something down helps you to remember. And in the end you'll have a cute little momento.

Note: I am not a therapist or anything like that, I just thought this would be a good way to celebrate you.

Step 1: Get your Materials! Crayons and Paper

Step 2: Write down your good attributes

This is a really hard thing to do. Very few people feel confident in listing most of their good attributes. Oh sure, there are those attributes that you feel confident in and have no qualms in sharing. Like...

I am hopeful. I always hope for the best.


 It's very true! I love being a Mom!!!!!

Other things are harder to admit. Like...

I don't always feel strong. But I know that I am. 

I talk a lot about spouses of addicts here on the blog. If you are a spouse of an addict or if you have survived a spouse's affair or similar thing, I demand you put this on your list of attributes! There is no way you could survive these things and not be strong.

Step 3: Write down other things you are good at or things that you love. This could be silly things like...

It's true. I can talk a mile a minute.

Or serious things like...

I love my family


My home

I want you to also put small things like your favorite color!

Step 4: Also, write down the times that you were proud of yourself

One thing I wrote down was "That Time With Bull."

Maybe someday I'll tell you about it. 

Step 5: Fill in whatever spaces are left with cute swirls and things like...

And, in the end, you will have a pretty little momento of your awesomeness. A piece of paper to tuck in your journal. Remember that nothing is too small to put on there. If you really love the fresh feeling after brushing your teeth, put it on there. If you feel like you make the yummiest quiche out there, put it on there. If you loved the time you stood up to the bully or the time you made a hard choice, put it on there. 

What good attribute do you posess that you have a hard time admitting to?

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